{'uid': '01417699d97ab6a8', 'name': 'sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'label': None, 'description': '', 'category': 'post', 'path': '/home/laurent/Projets/Sledd/moum/posts/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'link': 'en/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'link_en': 'sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'title': 'Bibliographic Constellation : sur les épaules de Darwin', 'title_en': 'Bibliographic Constellation : sur les épaules de Darwin', 'description_en': '', 'project': 'Sledd', 'post_date': '2014-02-24T22:06:57.000Z', 'post_type': 'post', 'template': 'blank', 'thumbnail': './thumbnail/sledd.png', 'status': 'published', 'tags': [{'uid': '5200cf6f61483a08', 'name': 'web', 'label': 'web', 'description': '', 'category': 'tag', 'label_en': 'web', 'description_en': '', 'link': '/en/tag/web'}, {'uid': '2c99ccf8b4549950', 'name': 'dataviz', 'label': 'dataviz', 'description': '', 'category': 'tag', 'label_en': 'dataviz', 'description_en': '', 'link': '/en/tag/dataviz'}], 'frontpage': True, 'gallery': None, 'video': '', 'css': ['https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./css/rSlider.min.css', 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./css/style.css'], 'lib': ['https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./js/libs/jquery-1.9.1.js', 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./js/libs/d3.v2.min.js', 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./js/libs/rSlider.min.js', 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./js/Tooltip.js'], 'script': ['https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/./js/vis.js'], 'assets': './data', 'local_date': '24.02.2014', 'root': 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr', 'frontmedia': [], 'thumbnail_link': '/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin/thumbnail/sledd.png', 'fulllink_en': 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/en/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'fulllink_fr': 'https://www.laurent-malys.fr/sur-les-epaules-de-darwin', 'lang': 'en', 'menu': [{'link': 'en/about', 'label': 'About'}], 'parent': None, 'children': []}
Laurent Malys


How to


Date range

Links between episodes

Off On


About « Sur les épaules de Darwin »

Excerpts from the show website :

“Every week, Jean Claude Ameisen offers a journey to discover a universe. A journey with its stops: dialogues with men and women engaged in research, culture and social life, accompanied by texts and voices of writers, scientists and poets."

About this visualization

In each program, Jean Claude Ameisen brings together the "Giants", these thinkers and creators whose work has in common the fact that it questions our vision of the world, our humanity and our relationship with others, humans and non-humans.

This interactive visualization shows the links that are forged between all these authors as the broadcasts progress, from ancient writings and poems to the most recent scientific publications.


Laurent Malys

contact : gro.snarc@ol

  • The bibliographic data comes mostly from the show's website (thanks to the links shared by Clément Grimal ) and a website that was administered by Guillaume Le Doeuff.
  • This visualization was inspired by a tutorial by Jim Valladingham and uses d3js .

How to


  • Using the mouse and its wheel allows you to move and zoom (like ©Google map)
  • Hovering over an item displays additional information in the right panel, including the title of cited references

Date range

  • The range slider allows you to choose the number of shows displayed by defining the start and end dates of the selection.


  • Force leaves all nodes free to move
  • Radial arranges the emissions in a circle in chronological order


Links between episodes

  • Off On allows you to activate the links between successive broadcasts