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Laurent Malys

Dakar Typo Remix Makers


This two weeks workshop took place at Ker Thiossane in Dakar and were led by Daniel Sciboz, Fabien Cornu and myself. It brought together graphic design students, craftsmen and seamsstresses from a neighboring social integration center. The objective was to prototype objects which would then be manufactured by the participants of the workshop in order to stock the shop of the Afropixel #6 festival which would take place the following month.

Continuing the projects "Dakar Typo" (2012) and "Generative design for leather work" (2017), the aim was to develop "non-aligned" typographic work, diverting the codes and aesthetics of the style international with effects borrowed from Senegalese ornamental painting which notably decorates public transport in Dakar.

In this context, I developed a web application allowing some of these effects to be applied to digital typography, which was used by the participants to generate the decorations of the different objects they made.
